Smoke Gets In Your Eyes16 x 20 acrylic on wrapped canvas, sides painted.Marilyn Monroe and Frank Sinatra Prints available at Fine Art Americaemail: dyanneparker@gmail.comOriginal for Sale: $265 includes shipping
What a fabulous scene from the 40's! Or is it the early 60's? Either way, takes me back to old movies, fancier times (or so it seemed by the movies and by the clothes I remember my mom wearing when she and my dad would go out). Beautiful piece, this, Dyanne.
Oil and acrylics, I paint everything, Portraits, Landscapes, Figurative, Still Life, and fun art, Creator of Whimsical Cows, paintings to put you in a good mOOd.
Artist Statement:
Everything I see, I see a painting. The shadows, light and colors bring everything to life as it was meant to be seen. The beauty of art is that everyone sees it differently and it becomes a part of their memory. It becomes a part of their life when they actually adopt of piece of their own. Nothing can sweep you away, even for a moment, as when you gaze upon a work of art. Dyanne Parker
What a fabulous scene from the 40's! Or is it the early 60's? Either way, takes me back to old movies, fancier times (or so it seemed by the movies and by the clothes I remember my mom wearing when she and my dad would go out). Beautiful piece, this, Dyanne.
Exceptional. This painting just draws you in and makes you want to listen in to this secret.
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