Art of Teaching Oil Painting8 x 10 oil on hardboard, signed and sealedI recently finished teaching an art class and loved painting this one. All teaching takes passion no matter what the subject. It's one thing to teach the mechanics and skills needed but to motivate and create passion is even greater.
Prints available at FINE ART AMERICA
$135 plus $10 shipping
Oil and acrylics, I paint everything, Portraits, Landscapes, Figurative, Still Life, and fun art, Creator of Whimsical Cows, paintings to put you in a good mOOd.
Artist Statement:
Everything I see, I see a painting. The shadows, light and colors bring everything to life as it was meant to be seen. The beauty of art is that everyone sees it differently and it becomes a part of their memory. It becomes a part of their life when they actually adopt of piece of their own. Nothing can sweep you away, even for a moment, as when you gaze upon a work of art. Dyanne Parker
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